
Company | Culture

Menzell Döhle is one of the leading independent service providers in shipping, transport and logistics. Our company’s roots can be found all the way back to in 1891. Fast-forward 131 years, we are nowadays a highly qualified team of 300 logisitics experts worldwide who always work on the best logistics concepts for our customers and partners.

As a modern, owner-managed company with Hanseatic roots, we act independently and actively shape the trans­formation of our industry. Coopera­tively, personally and reliably, we set everything in motion: Containers, projects, vehicles, vessels — and ourselves.

Our vision:
Linking Continents with Hearts and Minds

We want to pro-actively create connections. We think and act across borders and continents. The people at Menzell Döhle are cosmo­politan and dynamic— thus in constant interaction with different generations, cultures and compe­tencies in order to be successful together. And yes — we have a passion for our tasks: For shipping, for logistics, for the team and for your needs! And because we love what we do, we're really good at it!

Our values

We are always looking for colleagues who want to develop them­selves and us. Employees who, with their commit­ment and personality, help us to make Menzell Döhle a little bit better every day. If this sounds interes­ting to you then feel free to contact us and get in touch with Melissa John-Bünning | m.john@menzelldoehle.de.